Beautiful houses

Greenmax Company

Author’s architecture is an impetus for unlocking the potential of the territory; it has been and remains an attribute of the premium and business segment of residential real estate. It is these projects of the highest level that Greenmax implements using advanced construction technologies and innovative materials.

Since 2010, the company has been engaged in the complex design and construction of real estate objects of various sizes. In addition to residences and a hotel complex, she has 527 turnkey houses built on her account. Greenmax performs the whole range of works aimed at the implementation of the facility: engineering surveys; preparation of design and permit documentation for residential and public buildings; laying communications; connection to external engineering networks (electrification and gasification); construction of wooden and stone houses; exterior and interior decoration;
Interior Design; landscaping and landscape design.

The company’s specialists always adhere to the concept of Total Design, working through each element in detail, from the idea of the project to its implementation. Among the priorities of Greenmax are high quality of work and full customer support at all stages of construction.

Publishing house "Beautiful houses", №214, 2023
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